Another Lifetime

April 25, 2021
I don’t know how
a heart can close so quickly
And I never believed that I could
know someone so deeply 
in such a short time

And not the way we often throw
ourselves into other humans
with such desperation
that we imagine we know them,
shaping their image around our own
stories and needs,
But in a way that
when I heard your voice
for the first time,
it felt familiar and
like I had heard it
a million times before.
Like the way the parts of me
that have always been so closed 
felt the warmth of you
and opened with generosity 
and vulnerability. 

Like the way I felt seen
and safe
and sometimes broken
but always beautiful

And I never asked myself
as I pulled back the layers,
”Am I worthy? Am I enough?”
I trusted the process
and the pull of the universe
and I surrendered

And I don’t know how 
a heart can close so quickly,
I only know that
in a matter of hours
vulnerability was replaced with fear,
warmth replaced with cold,
familiarity replaced with a stranger

Who had once felt like someone
I had known in another lifetime
and now felt like someone
I had never known at all.



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